What I am in love with right now

  • Movie - "Numb" starring Matthew Perry. It's about that feeling we all have. We aren't connected to ourselves so how can we connect to others?
  • Song - "Love Again" by Dirt Poor Robins
  • TV Show - "Black Books" - This show is written quite brilliantly. High Fidelity in a book shop.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Last Meals

I was reading through some lists of Famous Last Meals, and it got me thinking. What would I want as my last meal? So many choices. Do you request some strange meal made up of great foods from your life, or do you take something simple. I think mine would be simple at this point, but who knows, maybe I'll make it more complex.

My Last Meal

Beer Battered Shrimp Burrito with Chipotle Aioli from The Creek
A rasher of Duck Bacon
6 pints of Magic Hat #9 from the tap, not the bottle, also from The Creek
Banana Milkshake from Checkers, extra Banana sauce.
A viewing of the movie, "What Dreams May Come"

What about you, what would your last meal be?

1 comment:

Creeky said...

Vanilla Congnac infused Lobster, maple/garlic roasted butternut squash, garlic roasted asparagus, shredded cayenne brussels sprouts...and you for dessert. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.