I was taking my usual daily walk to the Safeway near my office with my coworker today, and we started to talk about engagement rings (He started it not me). He confided in me that he had X amount socked away for a ring, like a little trust fund. When he told me the amount, I was taken aback, because I had spent less than that on my last engagement ring (yes, there have been multiple rings in my life, what can I say? I am a hopeful romantic). He then told me that he was only a quarter of the way to the price amount for the ring he wanted. That blew my mind! I had to remind myself of what he does for a living and how much he makes, or will be making. That was when I realized just where I stood in the scheme of things. The last time I told someone how much I spent on the ring I got, the person I told had the same reaction that I had to my coworker's announcement.
I am not sure if I take this whole thing as a plus or a minus to me. I am somewhere between the top of a small barrel or the bottom of a big one. And if I am there, do I have to make a choice as to which barrel I want to stay in? Or can I maintain this razor's edge, tightrope walk for a while?
When we had finished the conversation, he asked me if he should reconsider his "dream ring." I told him to give all he has to offer to his love. Love hard! Love big or go home! All of those cliched phrases with love replacing certain words to make them apropos to the moment. In the end, you have to love this person like there is no one else for you. And if it doesn't work out, get the ring back, because you can probably buy yourself a nice car for that amount.
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