A time for a clean slate. A chance for us to begin anew. To start fresh. Pure and virginal (pronounce that vir-jy-null).
I made a promise to myself as 2008 came to a close; That I would start something and see it to it's end. I have made up my mind to write every day for the entire month of January. To see if I could do it. It will be a stream of consciousness writing experiment, with only going back through to correct spelling errors. I will write for as long as it takes to finish whatever thought is in my head when I sit down to write. So here we go.
I love movies. Anyone who knows me knows that about me. I decided as a great way to start the new year, I would recap my 2008 in movies. I went through my Netflix queues, both online watching and the DVDs I was sent, and my Hulu account, and just see how many movies I had actually watched. OVER 300 movies and TV series. I actually had thought it would have been more, to tell the truth. But still if you calculate the average length of a movie and a TV series it will tell you, and me, where all my free time went. Let's just say, for arguments sake, that of those 300 or so, 260 where actual films and the remaining 40 were entire TV series.
260 movies at an average length of 90 minutes equals out to 23,400 minutes, or 390 hours, or 16.25 days. A little over two weeks straight of just film watching.
A TV series can range from 30 to 45 minutes long, and episodes can be anywhere from 12 to 20 per season. So let's average that out. We'll say 38 minutes per episode, for 16 episodes per season. That is 24,320 minutes. That's 405.33 hours, or 16.89 days. Another two weeks plus of TV series watching.
Basically, a month, and one with all 31 days, was spent by me, watching movies and TV shows in 2008. I don't know whether to proud or ashamed by that number. I think I'll lean towards proud, in a nerdy kind of way.

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